Aug 9, 2014

Bar stool turned night table

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

I know I missed my Friday Favorites post but I have a good reason! I was busy working on my last DIY of summer.

I came across this site at one point a little while ago, probably courtesy of pinterest I'm sure.  And decided that this would be perfect for my bedroom at my parents beach house. After months (almost a year) of searching for the perfect night table for a tiny space and having no success.

I started out by searching for the right size bar stool (24").  I looked at local thrift stores and came up empty handed.  Luckily I scored these two from target for only $33 for the pair.  I know that might seem like a lot but most of the ones I was coming across online shopping were no less than $50!!! No thank you.  So I was happy to end up with these.

Then I made my way to home depot and Lowes to find the perfect color spray paint.  I lucked out at Lowes finding Valspar's Nautical color.  Grabbed a sander and some sisal and took off to the shore this past week to get this project done.

All my supplies

First step - sand these stools for days or until your arm is about to fall off.  You want to get the glossy layer off the chairs before you spray paint.  Be prepared to get covered in sand dust.  I did this outside so it wasn't too bad.

Next - Spray paint the stools.   Make sure you do this outside or in a well ventilated area. The spray goes far not to mention it stinks.  I had some issues with this step.  I wanted to make sure I got underneath the stool first that way the top would be last in hopes of keeping the top looking as nice as possible.  It was the best way.  However, as you can in the photo above, the newspaper was blowing all over the place.  The first stool I painted the sides of the "seat" portion before standing it upright.  Big mistake.  The newspaper blew into the painted sides and glued itself to the paint.  Whoops.  Re-sanded the sides and learned my lesson.  

Finished the stool upright which came out amazing.  Repeat above for the second stool.

Then because you can't feel your arms from sanding.  And it starts raining just as soon as you start painting the second stool.  Treat yourself to some wine or in my case a tall glass of sangria.  

Day 2 - Once the stools are completely dry I added the sisal (a type of rope) to make shelves. They have different sizes of sisal I used the strongest one they had.  For this step all I did was wrap the sisal around the bars of the stool to make two shelves.  I used a hot glue gun to make sure it stayed in place and was nice and tight. (Note - I ran out of sisal, I had the one package and needed to buy 2 more) 

Finished!! :)

It was the perfect size for the tiny space between my bed and the wall.  The color is perfect.  And look how cute the shelves came out! :)

Have a great rest of your weekend!

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